- Workshop evaluation link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Oct17-18Evaluation
- Workshop Agenda
- Workshop Materials:
- Dr. David Huffman: Restoration of Western Frequent Fire Forests
- DC Description – Setting the Stage for DC Dialogue
- DC Description Powerpoint – Dry Mixed Conifer
- DC Manuscript – Region 3 Restoration Paper
- Status of Mexican Spotted Owls and Use of Dry Mixed-conifer Forest
- Linking Mexican Spotted Owl Recovery Guidance and Desired Conditions for Mixed Conifer Forest
- Linking Mexican Spotted Owl Recovery Guidance and Desired Conditions for Mixed Conifer Forest
- USFS Mixed Conifer Prescription
- Region 3 Forest Habitat Types
- Plant Associations of Arizona and New Mexico, edition 3, Volume 1: Forests
- Desired Conditions Descriptions by Forest Types
- Site Descriptions