The Southwest Ecological Restoration Institutes (SWERI) includes the New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute (NMFWRI) at New Mexico Highlands University, the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (CFRI) at Colorado State University, and the Ecological Restoration Institute (ERI) at Northern Arizona University. These institutes co-develop, translate, and apply actionable knowledge in collaboration with forest land managers and partners to foster fire-resilient forests for the benefit of communities and nature, now and in the future.


Located at public universities, each institute has direct access to resources and cutting-edge knowledge to apply to our work in forest science, collaboration, watershed health, resilience, and restoration economics.


The SWERI work to provide engagement, knowledge, and science support to collaborative partners, which helps guide collaborative decision-making informed by best available science.

Actionable Knowledge

The SWERI use restoration science and collaboration to deliver actionable knowledge to our partners through locally relevant, evidence-based solutions.

Participating Institutions